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Школа финансов ВШЭ — лидирующий в стране центр компетенций в области корпоративных финансов, оценки стоимости, банковского дела, фондового рынка, управления рисками и страхования, учета и аудита.
Наш университет - первый в России в глобальном рейтинге "QS – World University Rankings by subject" (2022) в предметной области Accounting and Finance, а так же первый среди российских университетов в области Business & Management Studies.
Федорова Е. А., Лазарев М., Балычев С. и др.
М.: КноРус, 2025.
Financial Innovation. 2025. Vol. 11. No. 1.
В кн.: Финансовое моделирование в фирме. М.: КноРус, 2025. Гл. 5. С. 154-174.
Quantitative Finance > Risk Management. q-fin.RM. arXiv, 2025
Аннотация доклада (Кораблев Д., Степанова А., Ивашковская И.):
The paper advances the line in research of human-side of corporate governance by studying the impact of board capital on financial performance in specific environment of emerging capital market with relatively short history of corporate governance. We draw on the concept of board capital suggested by Hillman and Dalziel (2003), Haynes and Hillman (2010) as a set of heterogenous personal characteristics of directors to be able to execute their functions. We use a sample of 100 publicly traded firms in Russia during the period 2009-2017 with dynamic panel data. Our tests are based on unique data on personal characteristics of directors collected manually. We apply both common factor analysis and index approach to approximate board capital measurer with the use of taken board characteristics. To control the models for endogeneity, we used generalized method of moments with the lags of independent variables. Our results show that board capital indeed has significant and positive impact on company’s future operating performance as well as on company’s current market valuation. We further find that the presence of powerful CEO and weak board independence reduce positive impact of board capital on financial performance in large scale Russian corporations.