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ординарный профессор НИУ ВШЭ, доктор экономических наук, заслуженный работник высшей школы РФ
Школа финансов ВШЭ — лидирующий в стране центр компетенций в области корпоративных финансов, оценки стоимости, банковского дела, фондового рынка, управления рисками и страхования, учета и аудита.
Наш университет - первый в России в глобальном рейтинге "QS – World University Rankings by subject" (2022) в предметной области Accounting and Finance, а так же первый среди российских университетов в области Business & Management Studies.
V. S. Vinogradova.
The Journal of the New Economic Association. 2024. Vol. 62. No. 1. P. 171-195.
Hanif W., Teplova T., Rodina V. et al.
Resources Policy. 2023. Vol. 85. No. B.
Dergunov I., Curatola G.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 2023. Vol. 212. P. 403-421.
Kopyrina O., Stepanova A. N.
Economic Systems. 2023. Vol. 47. No. 2.
Vinogradova V.
Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance. 2023. Vol. 19. No. 2. P. 127-160.
Потапов А. И., Курбангалеев М. З.
Экономический журнал Высшей школы экономики. 2023. Т. 27. № 2. С. 196-219.
Sergei Grishunin, Alesya Bukreeva, Suloeva S. B. et al.
Risks. 2023. Vol. 11. No. 1.
Alyona Astakhova, Sergei Grishunin, Gennadii Pomortsev.
Journal of Corporate Finance Research. 2023. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 5-16.
Kokoreva M. S., Stepanova A. N., Povkh K.
Foresight and STI Governance. 2023. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 18-32.
Макушина Е. Ю., Малофеева Т. Н., Козиорова О. И. и др.
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 6: Экономика. 2023. № 1. С. 135-163.
Russian Journal of Money and Finance. 2023. Vol. 82. No. 2. P. 106-119.
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2023. Vol. 59. No. 8. P. 2710-2726.
Управление финансовыми рисками. 2023. Т. 73. № 1. С. 18-29.
Fedorova E., Ledyaeva S., Kulikova O. et al.
Risk Analysis. 2023. Vol. 43. No. 10. P. 1975-2003.
Journal of Alternative Investments. 2023. Vol. 26. No. 1. P. 65-76.
Victoria Dobrynskaya, Dubrovskiy M.
International Finance Review. 2023. Vol. 22. P. 95-111.
Студенты бакалаврской программы «Экономика» и магистерских программ «Стратегическое управление финансами фирмы» и «Корпоративные финансы» получили возможность участия в необычной серии карьерных мероприятий всемирно известного инвестбанка. В сентябре-октябре 2020 г. лондонская Campus-команда инвестиционного банка Goldman Sachs организует серию онлайн-семинаров, присоединившись к которым студенты узнают больше о компании и карьерных возможностях. Эта серия мероприятий предназначена для студентов, оканчивающих обучение в 2021, 2022 или 2023 годах.
Тематика семинаров:
Goldman Sachs является одним из крупнейших в мире инвестиционных банков, являющийся финансовым конгломератом, в кругу финансистов известен как «The Firm», занимается инвестиционным банкингом, торговлей ценными бумагами, инвестиционным менеджментом и другими финансовыми услугами, прежде всего, с институциональными клиентами. С 20 сентября 2013 года входит в промышленный индекс Доу-Джонса. С 2011 года входит в число глобально системно значимых банков.
Отзывы студентов о семинарах Голдман Сакс
Dear School of Finance,
I was glad to participate in Goldman Sachs workshops and I am very grateful for such an opportunity. To say the truth, my decision to join the Strategic Corporate Finance master’s programme was made due to its strong ties with leading Russian and international investment banks, but I couldn’t imagine that I would meet them during the first month of my studying.
l participated in few seminars: Introduction to merchant banking and Introduction to operations. The first one was very informative for me, it helped me to figure out merchant banking topic and to determine skills, which I should developed to get a job in this sphere. Also, I was impressed by people, who already work as merchant bankers. They shared their knowledge and experience, provided a lot of cases. I was also impressed with their results: 17%-20% annual return on their multimillion-dollar investments. Thus, it was very interesting to be an attendee of their presentation.
Thank You for providing an opportunity of meeting Goldman Sachs, and I would be glad to participate in such events in future.
Best regards,
Konstantin Patrin
As a 2nd year of master’s program in Corporate Finance, I have participated in several workshops provided by Goldman Sachs in September and October 2020.
All meetings were held online and consisted of 2 parts. During the first part there was an overview of the activities of the Department, a group of workers of different nationalities introduced themselves, told about their career and experience at Goldman Sachs and they described what they do during their working hours. During the second part of the workshop recruiters told about the internships available at Goldman Sachs in that particular Department. They also told about the stages of the recruitment.
I personally got deeper understanding of the what people at different departments at Goldman do, about their working process, their daily routine and careers. I also got useful information about recruiting process and maybe in the future I will become a part of their company.
Thank you for the opportunity of taking part in this event!
Best regards,
Polina Solovyeva
I would also like to share my experience when participating in the GS recruitment workshops.
I personally found the seminars very beneficial and eye-opening. Providing an opportunity to communicate with real professionals from Goldman Sacks, the workshops clearly contributed to my understanding of how the IB work, what people are like there.
I specifically enjoyed communicating with impact workshop because of it practical orientation.
To start with I would like to thank School of Finance Department for such a great opportunity to get insights of GS divisions. learn more details for passing interviews successfully, improve my soft-skills to effectively convey my thoughts and become aware of equal opportunities for people of different backround and nature.
Insight into Merchant Banking and Consumer & Investment Division webinars expanded my horizons: GS is not limited only with widely admired IBD, but instead GS is involved in Private Equity and LBO deals across different industries worldwide in Merchant Banking and GS is engaged in providing asset and wealth management services for customers with different risk/return profiles in C&I Division. That's why I am very glad I participated in these webinars as I have found out most suitable Divisions for me.
Recruiting 101 Workshop and Communicating with Impact webinars, stressed out key elements during application process for various divisions of GS: important notes in the content of CV and Cover Letter, be prepared for interview in hirevue system leveraging body language, energetic mood and well-articulated speech.
Again, I am grateful for School of Finance and GS for organizing these events. I have revealed appropriate Divisions to apply for and useful hints I will use through my life. I will certainly recommend these webinars to all who interested in Finance and Investments.
Best regards,
Participating in workshops organized by the Goldman Sachs team was a great opportunity to learn more about the company and opportunities it offers and take a deeper look at its activities. There were three main categories of virtual meetings: recruitment, insights into divisions and various networking events. I participated in the first two, where representatives of various GS departments told about their experience in the company, the specifics of the work, and debunked some myths about GS. It was quite useful to learn about day-to-day responsibilities of the company's employees, the difficulties they face, and how the company has helped them to develop as individuals. Moreover, some of the tips they shared with the meeting participants might be helpful for students who want to join GS team. For example, how to write a CV correctly or prepare for various stages of an interview. That is why participating in GS workshops is one of the best opportunities to learn more about the world's leading investment bank and prepare to work for the dream company. It was a great honor for me to participate in these events as a student of the HSE and I hope that in the future I will become a part of the incredible GS team.
Best regards,
The seminars organized by GS were really informative. They were not only geared towards the activities of GS but general working environment. Through these seminars, I learned about the everyday life of an investment banker, equity researcher or an analyst of GS. I got to know about the various functional areas at GS. Employees of the bank shared their experiences with regards to working, connecting with people and the general atmosphere at GS. The recruitment process at GS was also highlighted and talk about. The panellists of each seminar spent some time to talk about how to standout in applications to be recruited by GS. They talked about what particular CV structure is ideal for every job applicant and how to structure cover letters.
I must say it was really an eye-opener experience and I am grateful to SCF and the finance department for this opportunity to engage in this important capacity-building activity.
Yunuss Mohammed
Since the start of the 2nd year of my master program, I have participated in several workshops provided by Goldman Sachs. Literally, there were two streams during our online meetings: division overview and recruitment process. There was a great experience with a lot of useful information over career prospects.
First of all, people from the industry provided deeper understanding of the working process, their daily routine and careers. Secondly, they share their expectations for the new team members. This is very helpful in preparation for the recruitment process, I believe. Then, the technical issues like the CV and cover letter expectations, stages of the recruitment.
Honestly, I am very proud to be a part of this events and hope to be a part of their team in the future.
Best regards,
Workshops gave a good overview of how recruitment process in GS looks like. Especially important were some tips and tricks on how to better present yourself best during interview and in overall application process. We also had an opportunity to listen to GS employees from different departments which gave more understanding of working process and corporate culture. I personally recommend taking part in this series of workshops.
Best regards,
Svetlana Shapovalova
I can easily says that workshops was very benefiting for me in terms of recruitment and the insights regarding divisions. I personally have goal to work in IB therefore knowing the how to prepare CV, cover letter and video interview advantage for me. What impressed me is that they invest in people and even if you lack some tech knowledge you can cover it by your analytical and soft skills. From now on I am preparing my documents so I can nicely apply for internship position.
To conclude, I would like to say thank you HSE administration for assisting and providing such opportunity.
Thank you Albina personally for always replying for all our requests!
Have a nice day!
Best regards,
As this was the first workshop I have participated in for Goldman Sachs. Literally, there were four streams that I participated in during our online meetings:1) GS FireWide black network 2)An insight into global market 3) recruiting base on CV and interview skills 4) Communicating with impact There was a great experience with a lot of useful information over career prospects as they share their experiences and a proper way of making a CV and how to prepare for an interview which has a great impact for me how to improve on my interview skills.
First of all, people from the industry provided deeper understanding of the working process, their daily routine and careers. Secondly, they share their expectations for the new team members. This is very helpful in preparation for the recruitment process, I believe. Then, the technical issues like the CV and cover letter expectations, stages of the recruitment and the interview techniques will add an extra experience for me and also the communication with impact was very interesting sections because we all learned and shared our experience with it come to the impact of communication
However, I am very glad to be a part of this workshop and hope to be a part of their team in the future
Best regards,
Baboucarr Samateh