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Школа финансов ВШЭ

119049 Москва, Покровский бульвар, 11,
офис S629.

+7 (495) 772-95-90*27447, *27190, *27947 (по общим вопросам Школы финансов)
+7 (495) 621-91-92 (по вопросам Бизнес-образования)
+7 (495) 916-88-08 (Магистерская программа "Корпоративные финансы")


df@hse.ru (по общим вопросам Школы финансов),
finance@hse.ru (по вопросам Бизнес-образования)

Руководитель Ивашковская Ирина Васильевна

ординарный профессор НИУ ВШЭ, доктор экономических наук, заслуженный работник высшей школы РФ

Школа финансов: Менеджер Непряхина Ульяна Викторовна

+7 495 772 95 90 (доб. 27190)

Школа финансов: Старший администратор Галянина Олеся Владимировна

+7 495-772-95-90 (доб. 27447)

Школа финансов: Администратор Липатова Татьяна Геннадьевна

+7 495-772-95-90 (доб. 27947)

Школа финансов: Администратор Чаус Валентина Сергеевна

+7 495-772-95-90 (доб. 27946)

Финансовое моделирование в фирме

Федорова Е. А., Лазарев М., Балычев С. и др.

М.: КноРус, 2025.

Глава в книге
Оценка стоимости компании на основе мультипликаторов

Григорьева С. А.

В кн.: Финансовое моделирование в фирме. М.: КноРус, 2025. Гл. 5. С. 154-174.

Statistically distinguishable rating scale

Помазанов М. В.

Quantitative Finance > Risk Management. q-fin.RM. arXiv, 2025

PhD Workshop

VI annual PhD workshop "Financial Markets and Corporate Strategies: Comparative Studies" was held on 13th April,organized by School of Financewithin the 20th Annual April International Conference on Economic and Social Development.
Chairs of the Workshop: Professor Irina Ivashkovskaya and Professor Alexander Karminsky, School of Finance.
Key note speaker: Elena Beccalli, Professor of Banking and Dean, School of Banking, Finance and Insurance (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan).
Elena presented her research “Economies of scale and scope in EU banking”, where she finds answers to following questions: “Are ever larger banks able to achieve the benefits of economies of scale? Are ever diversified banks able to achieve the benefits of economies of scope? Are there economies of scope in the European banking industry?” The presentation caused an animated discussion, and as a result directions of research development were found.
Then PhD students presented their research on topics from various field of finance. Among discussed questions were: consequences of monetary policy in emerging markets, effects of innovation funding programs in Europe, impact of ownership structure on startups performance in Russia, and many others. Participants received detailed feedback that will help them improve their papers.
We would like to thank our participants for bright research, discussants – for remarkable work on this eventful day, and guests – for attention and interest to the Workshop.
The main objective of the workshop is to develop academic networks and stimulate exchange between young researchers. This year 12 PhD students of the following universities were participating: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Russia), NRU Higher School of Economics (Russia), St Petersburg University (Russia), Ural Federal University (Russia), NRU South Ural State University (Russia), University of Tyumen (Russia), Ghent University (Belgium), University of Massachusetts (USA).
The best papers will be published in academic journal ‘Journal of Corporate Finance Research’. The journal is included in Web of Science Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and is one of the best academic journals of Russia.
«This workshop is a great opportunity to present your ongoing work or to share your research idea, to get valuable feedback and to meet international colleagues. Thanks for organizing the workshop and inviting a brilliant keynote speaker. I hope this workshop will remain a regular event within the Annual Conference»
«The atmosphere of the seminar was friendly and inspiring. The participants were ready to share ideas and suggestions with each other. I received very valuable critical comments as well as ideas for further development of the PhD thesis. Moreover, I was pleasantly surprised by high-level organisational measures and support provided by the Higher School of Economicsto participants from other cities and countries. I listened with great interest to the report of Elena Beccalli. In the light of this, I am very pleased that the Higher School of Economics is actively promoting the development of international cooperation in the scientific field. Many thanks to the academic staff of HSE for the invitation to participate in the event, their attention and valuable comments. »
«I would like to give thanks for the excellent opportunity to participate in PhD workshop at Higher School of Economics. I am very grateful for the invitation.
I was very satisfied with results of PhD seminar, because I got useful comments and new questions to my research. The committee gave constructive criticism that helped to address some contradictory issues in my research. I would also like to note the benefits of listening the papers' presentations of other speakers, because the level of research was high and I was very interested in new models and approaches used. The valuable part of seminar was combining participants from international and Russian universities.
I was very glad to present my work in international level workshop and to get useful feedback on my work. I believe this event is a unique opportunity in Russia of such type for PhD students, so my only wish is to keep it on year-by-year basis. Probably, representatives from different academic journals would be interested to participate in PhD workshop too»
«A great Workshop, where interesting research of PhD students from many Russian universities was presented. I got a unique experience of presenting to colleagues and senior professors. Thank you for the opportunity»
«The PhD workshop is a very good conference for students to exchange the newest research results in their area»
«The Workshop is a success. Thankyou, HSE»