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Школа финансов ВШЭ — лидирующий в стране центр компетенций в области корпоративных финансов, оценки стоимости, банковского дела, фондового рынка, управления рисками и страхования, учета и аудита.
Наш университет - первый в России в глобальном рейтинге "QS – World University Rankings by subject" (2022) в предметной области Accounting and Finance, а так же первый среди российских университетов в области Business & Management Studies.
Абрамов А. Е., Анилов А. Э., Гришунин С. В. и др.
М.: Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2024.
Financial Innovation. 2025. Vol. 11. P. 1-18.
Ивашковская И. В., Гришунин С. В.
В кн.: Российские корпорации в новой реальности. М.: Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2024. С. 30-50.
Станкевич В. С., Бетина М. С., Зеньков А. И. и др.
nomer-v-pechati. 16. Журнал «Финансы и Бизнес», 2024. № 1.
Приглашенный профессор Хэнк фон Эйж сделает доклад по тематике современных тенденций в политике выплат инвесторам. НИС состоится 19 ноября в 18.10 в аудитории 4405 (Шаболовка, 26)
Приглашаются все желающие
Associate Professor Faculty of Economics and Business | Groningen,The Netherlands
After I received my master title (Drs) from the University of Amsterdam, I worked at the University of Utrecht and the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. I received my PhD from the Erasmus University when I worked with the Foundation for Insurance Science. At this moment I am associate professor in Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen. My current work is in the field of Corporate Finance. I published extensively in international refereed journals, amongst which the Journal of Financial Economics and the Journal of econometrics. My research interests are Dividend Policy, Initial Public Offerings, Venture Capital, Privatisation, Mergers and Acquisitions and Behavioral Finance. Much of this research has an international character. I also published on teaching and learning.
I was at the board of the Dutch disablement funds for a period of longer than 10 years. Now I am at the editorial board of Maandschrift voor Bedrijfseconomie and Accountancy (MAB), member of the editorial board of Research in Management Education and Development (book series), a reviewer for various journals, like the International Business Review, The Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, The Financial Review and European Financial Management and reviewer and (co-)organisor of Finance conferences.
A variety of courses was taught by me: Macro-economics, Growth Theory, Cost Benefit Analysis, Economics of Social Security, Economics of Health Care, Insurance Economics, Risk Management, Corporate Finance, Financial Econometrics, Capital Budgeting, Business Research Methodology and Research Methodology for International Financial Management. I assisted about 200 Master students to finalize their thesis on a large variety of subjects within a broad range of companies. Moreover, I supervised six PhD candidates (1 with honors) of which three from developing countries.
I have experience in advising various Dutch firms and institutions and in international co-operation. I taught International Finance at the University of Ouagadougou (in French) and I supervised international research projects of students and assisted international PhD candidates from Eritrea and Burkina Faso. Moreover, I developed and supervised an international methodology course for the Institute of Finance Management in Dar es Salaam.