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Руководитель Ивашковская Ирина Васильевна

ординарный профессор НИУ ВШЭ, доктор экономических наук, заслуженный работник высшей школы РФ

Школа финансов: Менеджер Непряхина Ульяна Викторовна

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The upside-down world of value capture. Do companies in technology sector follow the principles of profitable growth?

V. S. Vinogradova.

The Journal of the New Economic Association. 2024. Vol. 62. No. 1. P. 171-195.

International capital markets with interdependent preferences: Theory and empirical evidence
В печати

Dergunov I., Curatola G.

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 2023. Vol. 212. P. 403-421.

Patterns of value creation in strategic acquisitions for growth

Vinogradova V.

Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance. 2023. Vol. 19. No. 2. P. 127-160.

Сравнение подходов к оценке риска со стороны центрального контрагента

Потапов А. И., Курбангалеев М. З.

Экономический журнал Высшей школы экономики. 2023. Т. 27. № 2. С. 196-219.

Developing a Scoring Credit Model Based on the Methodology of International Credit Rating Agencies

Alyona Astakhova, Sergei Grishunin, Gennadii Pomortsev.

Journal of Corporate Finance Research. 2023. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 5-16.

The New Strategy of High-Tech Companies – Hidden Sources of Growth

Kokoreva M. S., Stepanova A. N., Povkh K.

Foresight and STI Governance. 2023. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 18-32.

Нефинансовые факторы эффективности фармацевтических компаний в России

Макушина Е. Ю., Малофеева Т. Н., Козиорова О. И. и др.

Вестник Московского университета. Серия 6: Экономика. 2023. № 1. С. 135-163.

Time to Extend Credit? Bank Credit Lines During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Russia

Semenova M., Popova P.

Russian Journal of Money and Finance. 2023. Vol. 82. No. 2. P. 106-119.

Do Smart Depositors Avoid Inefficient Bank Runs? An Experimental Study

Semenova M.

Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2023. Vol. 59. No. 8. P. 2710-2726.

Cryptocurrency Momentum and Reversal

Victoria Dobrynskaya.

Journal of Alternative Investments. 2023. Vol. 26. No. 1. P. 65-76.

Cryptocurrencies Meet Equities: Risk Factors and Asset-pricing Relationships

Victoria Dobrynskaya, Dubrovskiy M.

International Finance Review. 2023. Vol. 22. P. 95-111.

Защита диссертации А.Э.Анилова.

Мероприятие завершено

18 января 2021 года в 18.00 состоится защита кандидатской диссертации Анилова Артема Эдуардовича на тему: "Компенсация СЕО, избыточная самоуверенность и решения о выплатах собственникам"/ "Managerial Compensation, Overconfidence and Payout Policy".

Научный руководитель: ординарный профессор, руководитель Школы финансов, Ивашковская Ирина Васильевна 

Краткая аннотация

The dissertation investigates the impact of Chief Executive Officer's (CEO's) characteristics: rational compensation incentives and irrational bias, such as overconfidence, - on payout decisions. Based on the sample of 813 companies from the USA, we have shown that higher levels of inside debt lead to higher probability and level of repurchases and incentivise a CEO to use repurchases as a main channel of payout. Different components of inside debt provide different incentives in terms of payout decisions. Moreover, overconfident CEOs tend to set lower levels of cash dividends and higher levels of repurchases and to use repurchases as a main channel of payout.
By implementing the index of corporate governance quality, we have shown that corporate governance of higher quality is able to reduce the impact of CEO's overconfidence on payout decisions.  We show that  gender diversity and audit committee independence show better ability to reduce the impact of CEO’s overconfidence on payout decisions than the size of the board, board of directors’ independence, and CEO duality.  We have found that this ability benefits shareholders as it limits the detrimental effects of overconfidence and utilises their benefits for the purposes of improving company’s profitability.

Диссертация (PDF, 5.54 Мб) 

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Резюме_ENG (PDF, 381 Кб) 

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