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Федорова Е. А., Лазарев М., Балычев С. и др.
М.: КноРус, 2025.
Financial Innovation. 2025. Vol. 11. No. 1.
В кн.: Финансовое моделирование в фирме. М.: КноРус, 2025. Гл. 5. С. 154-174.
Quantitative Finance > Risk Management. q-fin.RM. arXiv, 2025
Презентация и обсуждение книги
«The Warren Buffett Philosophy of Investment: How a Combination of Value Investing and Smart Acquisitions Drives Extraordinary Success».
Доцент департамента финансов факультета экономических наук.
Замулин Олег Александрович, декан факультета экономических наук, профессор департамента теоретической экономики факультета экономических наук, Член Ученого совета НИУ ВШЭ
The book offers a comprehensive and detailed assessment of the intellectual backbone of Buffett's investment methodology of the kind that has never been accomplished previously. “The Warren Buffett Philosophy of Investment” differs from other books in the subject in a number of material ways.
The author analyses not only Buffett’s investment principals, but also the tactics that Buffett uses when acquiring companies and making large portfolio investments, or positioning Berkshire as a white knight and “the right home for the right people”.
The author also discusses Buffett’s views on how the financial markets function and his position on key questions of corporate finance. These issues have not been assessed analytically in the available literature. The book compares Buffett’s views on corporate finance with mainstream concepts that are the current consensus among scholars. The author finds that Buffett’s better conceptual foundation is the cornerstone of his successful strategy. The book also discusses how Buffett’s different investment principles are logically interconnected; for instance, how Buffett’s concept of risk, where he disagrees with its traditional interpretation as volatility, or his suspicions about investing in technology companies and his long-term investment horizon are linked to one another.
The author argues that replicating Buffett’s success may be extremely difficult. Investment principals are only a small component of Buffett’s strategy. Other factors are also critical:
· Advantages connected to Berkshire’s organisational structure as a corporation as opposed to a mutual fund
· The reduction of the cost of debt through achieving a negative cost of borrowing in the insurance business;
· Additional return earned on Buffett’s reputational advantage as a “white knight” when positioning himself for large portfolio transactions and company acquisitions, refusing to restructure acquired business and allowing them to remain in their original form and becoming the prestigious acquirer of choice who thus obtains low prices from sellers;
· The role of "luck" factors where, for instance, the start of Buffett’s activity coincided with the onset of a long-term bull market, among other considerations.
The author concludes that Buffett’s success is explained not only by his ability to buy companies with competitive advantage, but also by the fact that as a buyer, he has an equivalent competitive advantage with respect to other buyers. Buffett developed a strong personal brand, where the essence of his business is his personal guarantees. A person without such a brand will not be able to replicate his success. From this assessment follow the far-reaching radical conclusions about a broad range of possible outcomes once Buffett steps down as CEO. The factors determining Berkshire’s prospects after Buffett are discussed in the Conclusion of the book.
Время проведения: 16:30-17:55
Материал для семинара:
Аннотация доц.Чирковой Е.В. (DOCX, 18 Кб)
Рабочий язык: русский
Трансляция мероприятия: для iPad, iPod, iPhone для компьютера и ноутбука
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