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df@hse.ru (по общим вопросам Школы финансов),
finance@hse.ru (по вопросам Бизнес-образования)

Руководитель Ивашковская Ирина Васильевна

ординарный профессор НИУ ВШЭ, доктор экономических наук, заслуженный работник высшей школы РФ

Школа финансов: Менеджер Непряхина Ульяна Викторовна

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Школа финансов: Администратор Липатова Татьяна Геннадьевна

+7495-772-95-90 (доб. 27947)

The upside-down world of value capture. Do companies in technology sector follow the principles of profitable growth?

V. S. Vinogradova.

The Journal of the New Economic Association. 2024. Vol. 62. No. 1. P. 171-195.

International capital markets with interdependent preferences: Theory and empirical evidence
В печати

Dergunov I., Curatola G.

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 2023. Vol. 212. P. 403-421.

Patterns of value creation in strategic acquisitions for growth

Vinogradova V.

Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance. 2023. Vol. 19. No. 2. P. 127-160.

Сравнение подходов к оценке риска со стороны центрального контрагента

Потапов А. И., Курбангалеев М. З.

Экономический журнал Высшей школы экономики. 2023. Т. 27. № 2. С. 196-219.

Developing a Scoring Credit Model Based on the Methodology of International Credit Rating Agencies

Alyona Astakhova, Sergei Grishunin, Gennadii Pomortsev.

Journal of Corporate Finance Research. 2023. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 5-16.

The New Strategy of High-Tech Companies – Hidden Sources of Growth

Kokoreva M. S., Stepanova A. N., Povkh K.

Foresight and STI Governance. 2023. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 18-32.

Нефинансовые факторы эффективности фармацевтических компаний в России

Макушина Е. Ю., Малофеева Т. Н., Козиорова О. И. и др.

Вестник Московского университета. Серия 6: Экономика. 2023. № 1. С. 135-163.

Time to Extend Credit? Bank Credit Lines During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Russia

Semenova M., Popova P.

Russian Journal of Money and Finance. 2023. Vol. 82. No. 2. P. 106-119.

Do Smart Depositors Avoid Inefficient Bank Runs? An Experimental Study

Semenova M.

Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2023. Vol. 59. No. 8. P. 2710-2726.

Cryptocurrency Momentum and Reversal

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Journal of Alternative Investments. 2023. Vol. 26. No. 1. P. 65-76.

Cryptocurrencies Meet Equities: Risk Factors and Asset-pricing Relationships

Victoria Dobrynskaya, Dubrovskiy M.

International Finance Review. 2023. Vol. 22. P. 95-111.

HSE PhD Seminar in Finance, April 4th, 2014, Moscow: Call for Papers

Мероприятие завершено

In cooperation with EDHEC Business School (France), University of Basel (Switzerland) and the Higher School of Economics (Moscow) we are pleased to invite submissions to the following PhD seminar in Finance: 

Financial Institutes, Markets and Corporate Strategies


The seminar is planned on April 4th 2014 (after the 15th April Conference on Economic and Social Development at the Higher School of Economics, held in Moscow 1th-3d April 2014). Contributions from all fields of finance are invited. Submissions that use emerging capital markets data and comparison with European and other developed capital markets are especially welcome.


We are happy to announce that Pascal Gantenbein (University of Basel) and Florencio López-de-Silanes (EDHEC Business School) will be the distinguished keynote speakers.


The main objective of the seminar is to foster contacts and stimulate exchange between young scholars from Russia and other countries, as well as to introduce the Higher School of Economics to a new generation of highly qualified young researchers from around the world. Ten PhD students will be invited to give 20 minutes presentations, and will then receive detailed feedback from senior academics in the field. Travel expenses and accommodation will be provided for the selected students.


Proposals of between 800 and 1,200 words, giving a clear idea of the main thesis and methods, plus a short CV should be sent to Irina Ivashkovskaya and Alexander Karminsky for the Finance department address df@hse.ru no later than January 30th, 2014.


The final decision of the selection committee will be made by February 15th, 2014. Full papers of 7,000-9,000 words will then have to be submitted by March 15th, 2014.


The Selection Committee will consist of the following persons:

·        Florencio López-de-Silanes (EDHEC Business School)

·        Pascal Gantenbein (University of Basel)

·        Antonio Fasano (University of Rome LUISS)

·        Irina Ivashkovskaya (Higher School of Economics)

·        Alexander Karminsky (Higher School of Economics)

·        Andrei Vernikov (Higher School of Economics)

·        Yury Dranev (Higher School of Economics)

·        Sergey Stepanov (Higher School of Economics)


The Higher School of Economics is the leading academic institution in Russia in the fields of economics, management, sociology, business informatics, public policy and political science. In October 2009, HSE received the status of National Research University (see key facts and figures at http://hse.ru/lingua/en/figures/).


The yearly April HSE International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development is the most important academic event in Russia in the field of economics and social sciences, providing broad opportunities for researchers to discuss the economic and social trends in transitional and developing economies (see details about the HSE April Conference at http://conf.hse.ru/).


Please mailto:df@hse.ru if you have questions or need any additional information.

HSE PhD Seminar in Finance_04.04.2014.pdf